Friends of the Pittsboro Memorial Library 40th Anniversary

Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 11:03:11 -0400
From: Kathleen Silc
Subject: Friends of the Pittsboro Memorial Library 40th Anniversary

What happened in October 1968?  The US performed nuclear tests at a Nevada Test site, NASA launched the first manned Apollo mission, the police raided John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s flat, and the Friends of the Pittsboro Public Library had their first meeting.  On Friday October 3rd the Friends will celebrate their 40th anniversary with lemonade and cookies on the grounds outside the Pittsboro Memorial Library. The public is invited to stop by from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for refreshments and a glimpse at the Friends’ history.

The Friends first came together as a group on October 3, 1968 in the Agriculture Building on South Street for the stated purpose of maintaining an association of persons interested in books, to promote the full use of the Library, to stimulate interest and growth, and to keep people informed concerning its aim, functions and needs.

During the past 40 years, the Friends of the Pittsboro Memorial Library have sponsored summer reading programs, story hours for pre-school children, speakers, and book sales.  In 1972 the Friends took on the task of raising funds for a new library.  Perry Harrison, then Chatham County’s School Superintendent, was appointed fund raising chairman.  After a generous donation from the Reeves Family of $60,000 and land valued at $13,000, the Friends set a goal of $40,000 to complete the project.  In October of 1974 the Pittsboro Public Library moved to a new building and its present site on West Street.

As the population of Chatham County has grown since 1974 so has the need for a new library to replace the old facility.  Once again, the Friends of the Library turned their attention to fund raising.  The Friends have raised over $600,000 at this point towards collections, technology, and furnishings for the new facility.  The new library will contain over four times as much space as the old library and is scheduled to open in fall of 2009.
