Pittsboro Has Confederates In The Closet?

Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 21:11:19 -0400
From: Robert Waldrop
Subject: Pittsboro Has Confederates In The Closet ?

In Ed Williams posting (#3199-10) he states:

(3) Re Robert Waldrop’s mention of his Civil War ancestors, and his statement (#3197-23) that “History proves what was or is right”. Well, the winning side in a war is always “proven” to be right, regardless of all
political or other arguments. My paternal grandfather was wounded in a skirmish at Drewry’s Bluff (VA) a few days before the Battle of Cold Harbor. Thank God for that, since if he had fought in that battle, I probably
wouldn’t be here. But I’m glad he didn’t bring shame on the family by deserting. Ed Williams

In this comment Ed, you imply that GGF Waldrop “brought shame on the family” by deserting.  On the contrary.  No one cared that he deserted as few in Polk county were in favor of leaving the Union (now also Henderson county as it was divided post-Civil War).

On the contrary.  He was warmly received when he returned with the other deserters he left with after working the remainder of the war out on a farm in Ohio.   He joined with other 17 year olds as they were going to be conscripted (drafted) to fight a war none of them wanted.  I will forward you the letter his father wrote in 1866 discussing the situation with a cousin.  He went on the become a strong/respected figure in the community as one of the county’s doctor for many years until his death in 1913.  His father was made a magistrate in 1866 and served for many years.  They were well respected in the community.

The history of the desertion rate in Chatham was similar but not so high as in western counties.  General Lee was so concerned that he sent some of his best troops in to calm the area and try to root out the deserters but they made little progress. In general, it was a rich man’s war and a poor man’s death on the side of the south.

Gosh, that sounds sort of familiar today.

Oh, you’ve gotten me off track.  This was all about free speech in Chatham. I’ll post no more on the topic. But I’ll sing a song in front of the Pittsboro Courthouse on Sunday the 7th at 1:00PM. I’ll wave at Silent Sam
when I do.

Ya’ll come hear, hear ?  No charge.  True freedom of speech.

Robert Waldrop
