Liberals vs. Conservatives

Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 08:20:18 -0400
From: Maclyn Gavin
Subject: Liberals vs. Conservatives

In the battle to prove who is most intolerant of other views in Chatham County, I do believe that my fellow “liberals” have won hands down.  It’s shameful.

And now we are going to use the credentials of our ancestors who fought in the Civil War to prove how much right we have to speak up with these opinions?  Give me a break.

Now you can lay off of Morrie, who asked a perfectly legitimate question, and rail on me for a while.

The appropriate liberal answer to the question that Morrie posed might have been that newcomers can find all political perspectives in Chatham, and that all are welcome and the expression of each is encouraged.

Sadly, that is apparently not the case.

Ultra-liberal Maclyn Gavin
