Accidents at Cole Park

Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 04:43:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Lynn Hayes
Subject: accidents at Cole Park

traffic lightAfter narrowly escaping an accident at Cole Park yesterday (my fault!) I think I know why so many people are making wrong turns. Many of us are distracted to some extent while driving – listening to music, thinking about the day. When you are in a turn lane at Cole Park, you nearly always get a turn arrow before the light turns green for everyone else. So if you’re not concentrating, like I wasn’t yesterday when Rich and I were animatedly discussing politics, you might automatically turn when the light turns green and then get a nasty surprise when you see that people coming the other direction are headed right towards you.

Evidently the lights are timed so that if you don’t arrive at the light before it turns red it won’t sense that you are there, and it won’t give you the turn arrow. I guess the only other option would be for the turn to automatically have a right of way even if there’s no one there, and that would be even more annoying. So please pay close attention if you’re turning at Cole Park – you may not get that turn arrow that you are expecting!!

best wishes,
Lynn Hayes
