I got rants in my pants

resign.jpgDate: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 22:58:39 -0400
From: Dan Cahoon
Subject: I got rants in my pants

I mean it. I want Max Cotten to resign. I really want him to “not be a part of my local political or planning” future. He seems a bit … um… distracted. My apology was heartfelt, as was my request that he resign for his apparent lack of concern for the community at large. He rushed that last vote. Max Cotten asked that the vote be held on August 27th. He did this despite pleas from his fellow counsel members to wait.


My apology was and is a part of my philosophy of life. My school counselor would have told me to “give em hell” and probably would have praised my humility.

You should try it.

Crow tastes good when the ultimate outcome of such a meal is a healthy, informed and represented community. Humility could solve so many problems for our culture these days. I know of at least one world leader who could make a bunch of people happy by eating a little crow. Ed, I watched a member of the Pittsboro Board of Commissioners fall asleep during important public hearings. I heard 3 members of that board vote to rezone an area protected for industrial use against the outspoken sentiments of hundreds of residents and concerned citizens. I don’t want any of them. I want a new board. I want an honest board. I know, I know, we’ve done pretty good with ” the way things have always been done” but some of us want a bit more representation in
community planning than a wink and a nod.

I have some good ideas about what would be good for our community.

Maybe you don’t like them, I understand.

I do rant.

I must for I have no real power. I don’t own large tracts of land like my neighbor (who seems to be exempt from erosion regulations). I don’t own any of the land that has been sold to the carpet baggers (I wish I did, I’d ask for a theater, a nature science center and a public pool in exchange). All I have is my voice, pitiful though it may be. Forgive me for treating Max Cotten with respect while at the same time calling him to task for his actions. I know that is asking too much from an elected official.

Who am I to ask for representation?

Who am I to ask for above board dealings with rapacious developers?

I am the man who asked for Max Cotten to resign.

Have I gotten what I asked for?

Not yet.

Shall I?

We are only an election away.

Ed, I don’t know you but I wish you peace and happiness. Thanks for the dig. I needed a reason to talk some more about this issue.

It’s far from over. What will happen to Eubanks road? What’s next on the agenda of plunder.

My apology stands, so does my invitation to lunch.

I’m still buying ($10 maximum, I am a teacher).