I feel bad for this young man

Date: Sat, 25 Aug 2007 10:11:29 -0400
From: Steve Candelori
Subject: Re: School House Blues

football helmetThat is a shame. I feel bad for this young man. I hope he seeks an education somewhere. Although his dreams of playing football on a team of his close peers seems to have evaporated.

I know that I was asked to respond directly to the family but I don’t know that I have anything to offer besides sympathy. I haven’t offered sympathy in so long I don’t know if I can do it anymore.

But what we have here is very clear. We have the powers of government legally (since it’s self governed) taxing away your earnings in multiple ways and requiring taxpayers (and non tax payers) to do what they are told. And using your money to do it and pay themselves, too. Apply this story to a situation when this country is subject to socialized health care. The government is coming for you….through socialized education first.

Would the school board and all of the administrators like to see this young man quit school? I doubt it. Will they let it happen? Hmmm? I pray that he doesn’t. How can he be convinced to continue and not be angry about his situation? What government and the BOE has forgotten is that they are there for us…we are not there for them.