It takes all types

Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2007 21:19:07 +0000
From: JeffLane-san
Subject: An answer to Meg Miller.

Chatham Chatlist wrote:

>——————– 1 ——————–
>Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2007 18:17:17 -0500
>From: meg_miller…
>Subject: Give the Brewery a break already
>As a Chathamite and long time chatlist member, I am embarrassed to read the whining complaints
>about the Carolina Brewery. I hope that the two of you also took the time to complain to the manager or owner. If you had, I’m sure your meal would have been comped and they would continue to work on fixing the problems.

Embarassed to read the whining complaints? Did you take too many vitriol tablets this morning? Meg, I whole heartedly, and sincerely apologize for voicing an experience and opinion that did not parrot your own. Sadly, I am but one of those lowly out of town carpet baggers you seem so fond of. After all, I am not from here. And who am I to expect certain things when I walk into an establishment. Admittedly, I am probably expecting too much when I think I should recieve some sort of greeting. Or perhaps I am overstepping my bounds when I expect a business that has certain hours painted on their doors to actually be open during those hours, or at the very least a sign on the door that says something to the effect of “Reduced hours are XX to YY until this date”.

>I don’t understand how someone with restaurant experience can expect things to run perfectly the first week a place is open.

Maybe you should go back and re-read what I said. Here, I’ll just summarize it for expedience:

Incorrect hours on door: bad, but forgivable. Suggested solution: small sign taped to door with temporary hours listed. Standing in a retail outlet for over 5 mintues without even being greeted by the single employee: Not very forgivable.

Of the things I experienced, only one was something I consider above and beyond. But you only seem to see what you want when you read these posts, and you also only seem to have emnity for anyone who doesn’t agree with you. But as you stated, you already dont like us “out of towners”. Oh, and by the way, as someone who is southern born and bred, someone who’s ancestors fought for the Confederacy, I take being lumped into a group you refer to as “Carpet Baggers” to be highly offensive. Reconstruction’s over.

>Decide not to come back, that’s your perrogative, but I wish you would take your comments where
>they can do some good and don’t try to jade these readers. There is nothing like the Brewery in all of
>Chatham, and I’ll take it, good and bad, over some cookie cutter Applebee’s any day.

Sad. Really sad. So by your arguement, I should not voice my opinions/complaints here because no one on the chatlist can “Do some good”? For your information, I was contacted by one of the managers in response, who was very polite, seemed honestly upset that I had that experience, and asked me to give it a second try. Of course I fully intend to. I am a sucker for politeness. Maybe you should remember that. As for your point here, perhaps Gene should stop publishing the Health Dept ratings of local restaurants. After all, no one on this list can do any good about improving them. He should also stop posting police blotters. After all, there is little that you and I can do about Joe stealing the generator out of Fred’s shed.

You are correct about one thing. There is nothing like the Brewery in all of Chatham. And I appreciate that. And I also agree with you about Applebee’s. Their food is deplorable, the service is terrible, AND the last time I went into the one in Sanford, it smelled like moldy cheese and feet. Somewhat like a lockerroom. Ooops. There I went and voiced my displeasure regarding a restaurant again. But I have a feeling you’ll be perfectly accepting of my negative opinion of that one, since they are A: a “Cookie Cutter Applebee’s” and B: out of the county. To paraphrase a certain comedian from Saturday Night Live: “If it ain’t Local, it’s CRAP!” Right Meg?

>Local ART on the wall, local involvements already. LOCAL owners. Give me a break. Better yet,
>give them a break.

I plan on it. But I do not plan on giving you a break at all, Meg. You are an interesting dichotomy. On the one hand, you seem very passionate about making sure the children of this county are well cared for and educated. You want them to have clean, safe schools. You seem to care a lot about doing good. But on the other hand, you have this pent up rage at people who have opinions or experiences that differ from your own. Did my bad experience damage your rosey view of the new eatery? Have I somehow shifted your particular world off kilter? I certainly hope not, and if I did, I do apologize. But I will not apologize for having a bad experience and voicing my own displeasure at such in a public forum.

>I think some of your comments were downright rude and unnecessary.

What part was rude, Meg? The part about not being noticed in a shop that is smaller than my living room, or the part about finding the place closed when the door says something else? Or were those of the unnecessary variety.

Here, let me make it more to your liking. “Hey everyone, I went there and … well… gosh! The building sure is pretty! The tables look nice too through the amazingly beautiful clear glass windows! Oooh and I really LOVED the door I walked through and was so delighted to stand around inside for a bit. It’s ok that I never got any service though, gosh, I should just be glad that the building is there for me to look at with awe and tingly feelings.”

>Keep trying Carolina Brewery…and when you get it right, and you will, these folks can eat crow.

Eating of black avians only occurs when one says something that is ultimately proven wrong. I challenge you to prove anything that I said was wrong… and since that was a one time occurance (I hope) and will never happen again, I dare say that my experience itself will never change. Sorry, What I posted will never be disproven. It will never be wrong, thus, no crow eating for me.

I do wish you could respond to people without the insult, the anger and the obvious disgust you seem to have for so many of us who chose to live here. Honestly, if I were someone from outside, planning to move here and I decided to join the Chatlist to see what things were like here, I have to say I would have to pick somewhere else to live. Over the last
few months there seems to be this growing xenophobia expressed on this chatlist by various people, yourself included, that has really made people like me, who live here, feel rather unwelcome.

Cest la vie, as you said Meg, it takes all types.
