Chatham County buildings will be more energy efficient without LEED certification

Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 08:26:36 -0400
From: chathammatters
Subject: Joy Hewett / Leed Certification

To Joy Hewett:

To correct your mis-understanding.  Our County Commissioners did not lower the energy efficiency standards for County buildings… they raised them.

They are now requiring that any new construction ACTUALLY be energy efficient … which is something that “Leed Certification” does not require, and it saves the County a ton of money not having to go through the “Certification” process, or use only Leed specified construction materials.

“as reported on the news”  I don’t know where you get your news, but if they reported that our county lowered their energy efficiency standards, they were flat out lying to you.

Leed Certification has many different categories in which you can earn “Points” including aesthetics like color of paint, or including bicycle racks, or electric car re-charging stations, and they favor certain building materials over others without any relevance to energy efficiency.  Heck, they award points for “creativity” but are quite subjective and arbitrary in then determining what is “creative” it is up to the “Certified” evaluator – and it can get extremely expensive satisfying the personal whims of a “Certified” evaluator.

Thanks to our NEW County Commissioners, our County buildings in the future will be MORE energy efficient, and will do it at a Lower Cost.

Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 21:54:35 -0400
From: Joy Hewett
Subject: drilling and energy efficiency

“While I am disappointed the county commissioners are lowering the energy efficiency standards for county buildings not to have to be Leed certified (pardon any misspelling), as reported on the news a couple of weeks ago”