Evening book club sponsored by the library in Pittsboro

There is an evening book club sponsored by the library in Pittsboro. The library provides 10 copies of the book, suggested questions for conversation, email reminders, and a space to meet.  There are books selected through June.  April is the Island of Sea Women by Lisa See (fiction), May is A Bookshop in BerlinContinue Reading

Calling All ClydeFEST Volunteers!

On April 30, ClydeFEST is coming home to Bynum to celebrate its 20th Anniversary. We’re going to have all the things you love about ClydeFEST – critter painting, games, artists, crafts, music, dancing, food trucks! And this year, for the first time ever, admission is FREE! It takes over 150 volunteers to makeContinue Reading

If only I had a . . . .

If I had a brush that could paint a Mona Lisa, scenic hills, flowers and Mother Teresa- If I had a canvas that could catch and hold-Monet, Rembrandt and Warhol images so bold- A pin and ink- verses that could make mankind stop-wonder and think . . What a pictureContinue Reading