May Taize Service of Prayer & Song at St Bartholomew’s in Pittsboro on May 17

Date: Wed, 10 May 2017 12:26:35 -0400
From: Sue Mannshardt <>
Subject: May Taize at St Bart’s

TAIZÉ SERVICE OF PRAYER AND SONG, Wednesday, May 17, 7 pm, Sanctuary

St Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, 204 W Salisbury Street, Pittsboro

Christ is risen indeed!  From now on, every day is Easter!  Alleluia!!! When we sing “with gusto,” it is Easter.  When, in the midst of our broken spirits, we hear, “Come to me; find rest for your souls,” it is Easter. When we trust enough to share our stories, it is Easter.  When we listen with open heart and minds, it is Easter.  When we feed the hungry, and welcome strangers, it is Easter.  When we do justice, and love mercy, and strive for peace, it is Easter.

When we come to Taizé for an hour of contemplative worship, it is Easter!!!  So hope to see you on the 17th!  It is Easter indeed! Alleluia!!!

Please email me if you have any questions, or would like more information.