What needs to be done is to PUP, prevent unintended pregnancies

Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 12:09:55 -0500
From: “John R Dykers”
Subject: Taylor Kish post re BOC “climate change advisory committee”

“Man-made climate change” is a religious zealotry of the most destructive kind and yet, our BOC uses this hoax as a way to limit, restrict, and punish economic interests essential to the economic prosperity of Chatham County. Nobody may be on this committee unless they buy into the premise of “man-made climate change” even though this has been exposed as a cruel hoax.  The purpose of this hoax is to destroy capitalism.  There are NO farmers or others with real world experience successfully managing natural resources. None are registered Republican.”

this is a compilated excerpt from the post.

I am a registered Republican and have been farming, ranching, and protecting and enhancing the natural resources as much as 600 acres of this county (number up and down with various ventures) and built what is now Chaudry Halal Meats and sold CharLean at the farmer’s markets. Also practiced medicine in Siler City from 1964 until 2010.
I would be proud to serve on this committee, but if I don’t limit my volunteer activity, I will die with my books unpublished and not have any energy left to go to the Carolina Basketball and Football games!
Had to resign my seat on the Board of Siler City Development Organization (SCDO) for the same reason.

There is no way that recognizing man’s contribution to the increasing temperature of our planet is anti capitalism or religious zealotry or damaging to the economic interests of Chatham County. The essence of “capitalism” is “creative destruction” and the flow of money to where it will bring the best return and create the most economic activity. The old timey solar panels on the roof of The Dykers Bldg combined with “net metering” are generating electricity and returning the equivalent of $200 a month to this capitalist. I have a standing line of credit with BB&T for a ‘home improvement loan’ to install solar photovoltaic panels on a barn roof to meet my electricity needs at home; I have postponed this venture looking for new technology to come on line so the debt can be smaller and repaid more quickly, like capitalists do. There is talk of a new crystal that converts sun to electricity multiple times more effectively than silicon, and I am staying in touch with Tom Honey. Tom has built a thriving business at Honey Solar doing solar installations for the past 20 odd years; a sharp businessman and smart, creative electrician.

For those who doubt that we humans are making any contribution to the current warming phase of our planet, I ask you to consider the following:

The entire breathable atmosphere of earth goes up about 15,000 feet above sea level: there are other layers above that and they are important but outside my personal expertise. Take a good size grapefruit and wrap a layer of saran wrap around it smoothly; this gives you a model of the relative thickness of this atmosphere to what you see outside and on TV views from space. This is where climate happens to us and our fellow creatures and plants we eat. There are now near 8 billion of us breathing inside that layer. The Bible says, “Go forth and multiply”; we have done that; we can stop now.

We breathe in and burn Oxygen and breathe out CO2 with an average lazy production/consumption of 2,200 calories a day. So we are AT LEAST contributing (check my arithmatic, did this in my head) 17,600,000,000,000 calories a day to that thin atmosphere, and that is not even counting the mountains we move, the flatulence we emit, the millions of cars and trucks and airplanes and ships we move around constantly.

All this human activity is commerce, and if “Taylor Kish” sees recognizing this commercial activity as being “anti-business”, then that is correct by his definition; BUT it is phony to “religiously” deny the reality of a contribution by human activity.

What needs to be done is to PUP, prevent unintended pregnancies, currently half of all the pregnancies that occur. Meanwhile capitalism requires that we move energy production to non polluting forms, recycle, and create new business models.(e.g. Duke Power can earn an honest living as the ‘battery’ for solar farms and solar home production and cloudy days and night time. Wind and tidal and hydroelectric and nuclear and geothermal generation are similar, each with individual differences.)

THIS BETTER BE WHAT the “climate change advisory committe” is about or the committee will make “Kish” a prophet rather than an idiot.

John Dykers