Monthly Taize Service at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in Pittsboro starts Sept 21

Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 12:06:02 -0400
From: Sue Mannshardt
Subject: Monthly Taize Service at St Bart’s

TAIZÉ MONTHLY SERVICE AT ST BART’S – Wednesday, September 21

Monthly Taizé prayer services continue this Wednesday, September 21, at 7 PM, in the sanctuary of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, 204 West Salisbury Street, Pittsboro.

All are welcome, especially if your are seeking time for quiet reflection in the singing repetitively of simple prayer songs and chants, reading of sacred texts, and silent meditation.  Brother Roger, founder of the Taizé community in France, writes:

“Silence is essential in discovering the heart of prayer…Often God’s voice comes in a whisper, in a breath of silence…The important thing is a childlike attitude of trust by which we allow God to pray within us silently, and then one day, we will discover that the depths of our being are inhabited by a Presence.”

And on singing, he writes:

Singing is one of the most important forms of prayer and worship.  A few words sung over and over again reinforce the meditative quality of the prayer.  Simple chants  also provide a way of praying when we are alone, during the day or at night, even in the silence of our hearts while we are working.

So join us…coming together in song, prayer and meditation can be a beautiful experience of community as we move from summer into fall – the wonderful season of change and transformation.  For information, email Sue,