Chatham County does have a countywide default zoning of R-1

Fw: # 5617 Stinmar – Chatham Gold Mine
On Wednesday, July 27, 2016 11:34 AM,
Gigi Topp wrote:

Mr Mark,

We do have a countywide default zoning of R-1, as well as all the zoning under specific regulations. Plus, any business must apply for zoning approval, as I remember, because the use demanded a change of zoning. Under the category of New Zoning for Chatham, on the page below, there are listed in item #10 the regulations which apply in the whole county,

Items # 14 & 15 apply to businesses retroactively. Whether this is legal or not is another question, but it is certainly undesirable, as it means that all previous regs and assumptions are out the window and under control of the current board. Say Sayonara to predictable government.
