Vouching for the effectiveness of the jewelweed remedy

Date: Mon, 16 May 2016 10:42:43 -0400
From: “Jeannette Beranger”
Subject: re: poison ivy remedies

I can vouch for the effectiveness of the jewelweed remedy.

When I first moved to Chatham I got a raging case of poison ivy thanks to my dogs getting into it in the yard. I tried everything from steroids to calamine lotion to no avail. My arms were an oozing mess. My husband brought home the jewelweed extract spray from Weaver Street (can find it in the refrigerated section) and it finally did the trick. Now if I get an itchy sensation on my skin or think I’ve been exposed, I spray it on several times to be safe. I have not had another incident since the really bad one. We always keep it on hand at our house and I even have some at work. Works great on chigger bites too since the spray also has witch-hazel in it.
