Liberal Karen Crowell can’t comprehend that Cecil Wilson would be a better planning board chairman than George Lucier

Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2016 15:38:38 +0000
From: “Crowell, Karen E”
Subject: insults and insincerity

Gene, in announcing the selection of the Planning Board’s chair, you did a great disservice to Cecil when you rudely expressed your opinion about the outcome. I think you do, indeed, need to tell Cecil you’re sorry. It’s obvious that you were using his race as the means to influence people to oppose George Lucier, who is just one among many people you single out for verbal abuse.

It’s a shame that you use your role as moderator of this list to pretend you are doing a public service by keeping your readers informed about local events when, in fact, you are using it to spread your own unfounded and frequently hostile opinions. Please keep your insults to yourself and let your readers form their own opinions based on more meaningful qualifications.


Karen –

I’m not sure what your point is.

I think I was pretty clear in stating the facts in my post on Wednesday –

1. George Lucier was elected the new Chatham County planning board chairman

2. I believe that Cecil Wilson would be a better Chatham County planning board chairman.

3. I would be proud to have Cecil Wilson as Chatham County planning board’s first African-American chairman. (BTW, if you can’t be proud of Cecil being the first black chairman of the Chatham Planning Board that’s clearly a YOU problem and not a ME problem.

No apologies. I stand by my statements.

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