Early Voting starts October 22 for Chatham County municipalities

Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 16:06:21 +0000
From: Dawn Stumpf
Subject: Municipal Elections

There seems to be quite a bit of confusion as to who is eligible to vote in the Municipal Elections on November 3, 2015.  Below should be some information that I think may be helpful to all.  Could you please let others know.  Call me with any questions.

Election Information November 3, 2015
Eligible voters are those that are registered to vote in the Town of Pittsboro, the Town of Siler City, the Town of Goldston or the Goldston Gulf Sanitary District.  Voters in the ETJ or other parts of Chatham County are not eligible to vote in this election.
Early/One Stop voting will only be conducted at the Board of Elections office at 984 Thompson Street in Pittsboro.  There will be no early voting site in Siler City or in Goldston.  Any eligible voter can vote at the Early voting site in Pittsboro.  Early voting starts Thursday, October 22, 2015 and ends on Saturday, October 31, 2015.  You can check the website at http://www.chathamnc.org/index.aspx?page=1793  under Elections 2015 to see an early voting schedule and Sample Ballots for the Municipal Elections.
In person registration is available for this election.  Same Day or In person registration is only available at the early voting site.  Any Persons wishing to register and vote after the registration deadline may appear in person at the one-stop absentee voting site, complete the voter registration application form and provide proof of residence by presenting valid documents showing current name and address. Acceptable forms of identification include:

*   A North Carolina driver’s license with current address
*   A utility bill with name and current address
*   A telephone or mobile phone bill
*   An electric or gas bill
*   A cable television bill
*   A water or sewage bill
*   A document with name and current address from a local, state, or U.S. government agency:

*   A student photo ID along with a document from the school showing the student’s name and current address.
*   A paycheck or paycheck stub from an employer or a W-2 statement
*   A bank statement or bank-issued credit card statement

On Election Day, November 3, 2015 there will be three polling places open for voting.  All polling places are open on Election Day from 6:30 am until 7:30 pm.

Those sites are:

For Pittsboro
Multipurpose room at Central Carolina Community College                                                            764 West Street in Pittsboro

For Siler City voters
Earl B. Fitts Community Center
111 South Third Avenue in Siler City

For Goldston and Goldston Fire Department Sanitary District Voters
486 Church Street in Goldston

Photo ID is not required to vote in the Municipal Elections this year.

Dawn Stumpf
Chatham County Elections

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