Shamanic Healing Energy Work Talk on September 15

On Sunday, August 30, 2015 11:21 AM, Traci Philips wrote:

Wellness of Chatham will be hosting its next talk on Tuesday, September 15th from 9-10:30am at the CCCC Pittsboro campus, building 41, conference room 1.

Amira Chapple will be presenting the talk: Shamanic Healing Energy Work

Shamanic Energy Healing work is about healing at the source of the wound, and not simply treating the symptoms. It can be used to address physical , mental and spiritual concerns, helping to restore balance and harmony in your life. This type of energetic healing differs from traditional treatment in that it is not confined to space. It can be done in person as well as long-distance since Shamanic work is done in the Spirit Realm. One learns to heal from past wounds and transform toxic emotions into sources of power and grace.

Energetic healing involves healing through the Luminous Energy Field or aura that surrounds our bodies.

This talk will cover:
– What is a Shaman ?
– What is Energy Healing ?
– What a shaman does and doesn’t do – what one can experience in a session

The talk is free and open to the public, so please feel free to share with others.