If power goes off and no flow can be maintained in the pipes, the only hope is to drain them

Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 09:20:59 -0500
From: “John R Dykers” <>
Subject: Cold

On a more immediate note, and this may be too late!

Power outage seems likely and if we lose heat, pipes freezing can be devastating. IF we don’t lose water pressure, keeping it flowing may run up the meter in town, but far less expensive than replacing burst pipes; hot and cold water pipes.

I am faced with exposed pipes and have turned off one well and DRAINED the pipes while it is still warm enough to do so. By the time this is posted Tues there may be no power to read it and pipes already frozen and undrainable. Sorry; I just did not think about Thur and Fri being sooooo cold and not thawing for maybe 72 hours or longer. Hope you all thought of this option sooner, but even more, hope you keep heat and electricity.

If power goes off and no flow can be maintained in the pipes, the only hope is to drain them, and it may already be too cold to do so when that happens. SOL. I guess we will just share the misery.

John Dykers