Verizon network extenders do work as long as you have good, reliable high speed internet

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 08:12:25 -0500
From: Mike Fox
Subject: Verizon network extenders

In response to David Hamilton’s questions, these network extenders, also known as Femtocells, do work as along as you have good, reliable high speed internet. They become a mini cell in your house and they use your high speed internet connection as the backhaul network. So if you don’t have ample bandwidth, your cell phone signal will degrade if someone else in your house starts streaming a Netflix movie, for example.

I had one from Sprint, which uses the same 3G technology as Verizon, on my 5Mbs CenturyLink service and it didn’t work because my connection had too much “jitter.” This was during a period when CenturyLink was struggling to deliver their promised bandwidth, FWIW. But every connection is different and the only way you can tell if it will work for you is to try it.

You might be able to get one for free from Verizon, depending on if you are out of contract or near the end of your contract, you’re a good enough customer, and/or you’re persuasive enough with Verizon tech support. Worst case you can get it and return it if it doesn’t work for you.

Good luck!