Friday will be last day Coffee Hut will be open for business

Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 21:28:35 -0500
From: raincloud79
Subject: Coffee hut happenings!

A few announcements: I will be open this week M-F regular hours. However, Friday will be my last day open for business. I know this is short notice, but as most of you know construction will be starting soon. It is in our best interest to deplete the inventory we have and start planning for the next step. I have developed a close relationship with many of you and this is extremely difficult. I hope in the next week I can collect some of your emails to keep you all up to date with what the future holds for Caffe Dolce. Please, please, please come see me this week and say goodbye!

Thank you all for sharing your mornings with me the past few years. I am grateful for the lessons I’ve learned about business and life and people. Thank you for being a part of that growth. Sincerely, Claudia