Need quality broadband internet in Pittsboro/Northeast Chatham

Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 20:18:04 +0000 (UTC)
From: Christie Hinson
Subject: We need quality broadband internet in Pittsboro/Northeast Chatham!

Hi folks, For those of you who live along the Jones Ferry Road corridor, you have likely experienced the frustration of theVERY poor internet options available to us. (AT&T offers a whopping 1.5 – 3mbps right now…grrr!) Residents of Strowd Mountain and several other neighborhoods along Jones Ferry Road are trying to pressure TWC and other companies to offer high speed internet and cable services in our community. TWC is showing some willingness to extend their lines IF they have proof ofthe interest and potential customer base. (To be transparent, we have no loyalty to TWC…they just seem to be the only company willing to talk about the potential of extending their lines and offering service at this time. Several area HOAs are alsotrying to work with AT&T for additional options.) If you live in this vicinity (from Crawford Dairy to the Orange County line) and are interested in helping us try to bring quality internet options to the community, please read below. Ifyou have questions, e-mail Gail at .

We Need Quality BROADBAND INTERNET in Pittsboro / NortheastChatham!!! Several neighborhoods along the Jones Ferry Road corridor ((from Crawford Dairy to the Orange County line) are trying to convince Time Warner Cable to initiate a broadband construction project for our internet starved residences. Please help us make this a reality by showing them there is an interested customer base in Northeast Chatham/Pittsboro. Time Warner Cable has asked us to do the following (please note this does NOT commit you to purchasing anything, even if services do eventually become available):1.        CallTWC @ 704-377-96002.        Say”I don’t have an account.”3.        Say”New Service”4.        ProvideZip “27312”5.        Askto Connect to Customer Care NOT Sales6.        Askto put in “Serviceability Check”7.        Giveyour name and address8.        Therep will inform you that a technician will come out to do a survey and find out what the closest high point is for connectivity. You do not need to be there.9.        The rep will provide a ticket #. Write this ticket number down and email it to your name, address, phone # and subdivision if applicable. Your information will not be shared. (If you are uncomfortable providing this information, please at least e-mail with the Ticket #.)  10.    You will receive an email from TWC saying you cannot get service at this at this time. This is expected.11.    Please also visit and sign our petition to local government and OTHER internet providers:, TWC is the only company who has shown any potential willingness to extend lines/services. We are continuing to pursue other providers for participation (i.e.,AT&T) as well and will update anyone who has participated in the steps above.Â
A petition has also just been started at; it is necessary to include your address in order for your signature to count.You can also join the new FaceBook group “Broadband for Northeast Chatham County”