There was a time . . .

Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 11:52:40 -0500
From: “N.A. Booko”
Subject: There was a time . . .

There was a time when I could lift a full glass, sip the nectar and enjoy the brew, but now, the glass is less than half full.

There were times when wine and song filled my dreams and made me whole. Times I could spend and spend and never miss the coin, times I could write a check and buy some more.

Times I could Flash and flaunt what few greenbacks were mine and pretend to have many more on the credit line.

There were times when there was no hole in the pocket, no bottom to the barrel, no worn shoes or bills overdue. There were times I could reach out and give a helping hand, shake off the blues and paint life in vibrant hues.

Yes, there was even a time when a couple of drops in the glass would do. It was last night- I spilt more . . .

N.A. Booko