Recommendation for potential newcomers who may not have the sense God gave migratory birds

Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 08:19:22 -0500
From: Taylor Kish
Subject: Recommendation for potential newcomers who may not have the sense God gave migratory birds

Migratory birds do not need guidance where to live.

People have been digging wells in Chatham County for hundreds if not thousands of years. There are extensive laws, rules, and regulations for ANY new well for ANY reason. (Water, natural gas, shale oil, etc.) You cannot legally invade the soil with any system to dispose of your waste or extract your desires without the government already regulating every inch and tittle.

Highly toxic chemicals and substances exist in our soil, bedrock, groundwater, aquifers, everywhere today. YES, today! The Chatham County Health Department will come to your house to test your water and tell you whether the toxic chemicals, bacteria, and other substances are in numbers known to kill you. The Pittsboro municipal water is certified to provide water with levels of poison in small enough quantities they will PROBABLY not kill you.

And think of all that sewage you are dumping into our pristine environment!!! Holy Cow! [Sarcasm intended.] Miles and miles of HORIZONTAL sewage pipes from your toilet to a municipal or county (?) regulated treatment plant. Not just a 1000-2000 feet down but miles of pipe that COULD be polluting our environment right now. Why do you not worry about our wildlife and environment with new or existing “clean” water pipes or sewage pipes? Because you “trust” (?????) the town and/or county government appointed by Democrats?

Think of all those lateral pipes snaking through Pittsboro and Siler City just below ground level. Why are they not polluting our groundwater? Soil? Aquifers? Think of all those propane tanks with pipes running into the ground and snaking through our pristine soil. Do you trust your neighbor to protect our environment and YOUR water? YOUR LIFE!

Toxic minerals, chemicals, substances exist and, in some cases, seep into the most undesirable places right now every day. Natural gas and shale oil exist just like radon, uranium, iron, manganese, arsenic, and cyanide along the 15/501 corridor, in Lee County, Chatham County, and right under the house where you live. Why are people not dying everywhere every day of something?

I’d like to invite everyone who refuses to accept the truth about the safety of fracking to live in Chapel Hill where you can play make believe and tell each other horror stories for bedtime. Does Chatham County need anymore baby boomers with protected retirement money from some government job or northeastern union?