Clinical Teaching Tutors is a local business that has served all the Triangle

Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 07:47:24 -0500
From: jlocts
Subject: Clinical Teaching Tutors

Clinical Teaching Tutors is a local business that has served all the Triangle. The director began teaching in Chatham Country over 30 years ago. From the classroom, this director expanded studies and worked as consultant and diagnostician in many private and public schools plus she worked at the Center for Development in Learning and Duke Evaluation Center in Durham.

Clinical Teaching is a full comprehensive educational service where advocacy, evaluations, academic coaching, college planning, and English as a second language are offered. This practice offers help to AP/honors students as well as ADHD/LD/Dyslexic, Nonverbal LD, Executive Functioning, as well as remediation and early childhood. The service offers test prep for private and public schools and colleges.

Clinical Teaching has been invited into Chatham Schools, as well as other counties, for tutorials and workshops. The service can offer tutoring in lieu of summer school and online courses for credit. Our instructors are educators, diagnosticians, and experts in their fields who are mentored by the directors and senior instructors. The tutoring is offered 7 days weekly.