Liberal Virginia Penley upset that more people support Petty, Stewart and Bock than Howard, Crawford and Hales

Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 08:36:57 -0400
From: virginia penley
Subject: Campaign Finances in Chatham County

The latest financial reports have been filed at the Board of Elections and they are certainly illuminating.

Although County Chairman Walter Petty (R) has no opposition in District 5, he has raised approximately $16,000; while Karen Howard (D), who has no opposition in District 1 has raised less than $1,000. That seems like a lot money for Petty, a local candidate who has already won in a walkover.

And commissioners Stewart (R) and Bock (R) have raised approximately $17,000 and $48,000, respectively while their challengers Crawford (D) and Hales (D) have raised a total of $9,000. In addition, the PAC supporting Stewart and Bock, Chatham First, has reeled in around $18,000, while the Progressive team have no such local PAC.

So l am tossing this around in my head and even for a pizza man that is a lot of dough, Commissioner Bock.

The Blue Team is being outspent nearly 10 to 1, yet they are standing their ground and the people are voting.

The question is: what are all of these donors, including some rather large donors, expecting for their investment?

I suppose ya’ll should email Bock, Stewart and Petty and ask them. They should have an answer and perhaps it may be that our County is for sale after all.