I just wanted to share yet another reason why I love Chatham County

Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 06:03:16 -0400
From: “Tamera Cooke”
Subject: Thank you!

I just wanted to share yet another reason why I love Chatham. The other day I was in a hurry to get home, I accidentally left my tailgate open and a small folding table that I use for work fell out.

I didn’t really realize it was missing until a day later. When I went back to the intersection where I thought it fell out, there it was, propped up against a fence. Oh Thank you! Thank you kind person!

I wanted to share this story, because by doing so, I believe that the kindness and consideration that this person showed, will multiply 100 fold. Never underestimate your ability to do the right thing

Or how your actions, good or bad reverberate throughout the universe!

Thank you again kind person for your random act of goodwill may all that read this, pass along another act of kindness.