Let’s stop hating on our children, ladies

Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2014 08:56:50 -0400
From: Tom West
Subject: Let’s stop hating on our children, ladies

How sad.

It’s unfortunate to see liberal candidates Diana Hales and Karen Howard decide to hate on Chatham County school children who attend public charter schools.

Schools in Chatham County are usually not a democratic or republican issue. That is until Chatham liberals choose to push their political agenda.

It is clear from the candidates’ debate responses that both Karen Howard and Diana Hales are simply parroting a political line. Diana Hales, especially does not even seem to know why it’s “bad” to support public charter schools except that possibly one of her liberal handlers told her it was. (In fact, the befuddled Hales has to turn to her handler Karen Howard for assistance at the 52 second mark of the video)

Nowhere in their video response do Howard or Hales acknowledge that North Carolina Charter Schools are North Carolina public schools. I would hate to think that they are so oblivious or blinded by liberal talking points that they are not aware of this fact.

Do Hales and Howard even comprehend that Woods Charter School saved Chatham County $10 million in capital expenditures? How did this happen? Well, Chatham County did not have to spend $10 million dollars to build a school building to house the 500 students attending Woods Charter School.

Hales and Howard look especially inept, silly and petty after the recent announcement that the United Nations has selected a Woods Charter School video to show. Unlike Hales & Howard. it appears that the UN finds Chatham school children worthy of praise.

See the WNCN-TV news story about this honor at http://www.wncn.com/story/26668137/video-from-chapel-hill-school-to-be-shown-at-un

The video features a series of short testimonies from Woods Charter School students describing what it means to be a girl in the United States. I guess the girls can add dealing with a couple of silly and irrational liberal women trying to diss them.

Isn’t it time that Diana Hales and Karen Howard just stop hating on our school children?

So ladies, when can Chatham County parents and their children attending public charter schools expect to hear your apologies?

Let’s remember that whether the children attend the Chatham School district schools or the Chatham public charter schools they are all of our children.

As Chatham Commissioner Walter Petty says in the video: “It’s about educating the kids. That’s the name of the game.”


BTW, Diana Hales – FYI, there are THREE public Charter Schools in Chatham County, not just two.