Commissioners that sold out Chatham County ran under the Chatham Coalition banner

Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 05:07:07 -0700
From: Gina Dye
Subject: Regarding Lynn Fass’ post

Regarding Lynn Fass’ post I point out that the “commissioners that sold us out” are not up forre-eelction this year. That would be the Lucier, Kost, et al bunch who ran under the heading of Chatham Coalition, and now using the title Pittsboro Matters!

Oh wait – there are a couple of their followers running for election this year, so voters beware!! It is not Bock, Stewart, Petty you need to fear but those that want to take this county back to the nightmare of a few years back.

Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 08:04:41 -0400
From: Lynn Fass
Subject: bock, Stewart, petty

give the county back to the people!
vote democratic and not for the group of commissioners that has sold us out!