Karen Howard is out of synch with neighbors’ public safety concerns

Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 15:33:22 +0000
From: Whatzup
Subject: Karen Howard is out of synch with neighbors public safety concerns

There is a online petition urging Chatham County to approve the Farrington Road cell tower at http://www.thepetitionsite.com/590/039/202/urge-chatham-county-to-approve-the-governors-village-cell-tower/

The petition reads –

I am in support of the proposed cell phone tower to be built at 464 Old Farrington Road. This tower would vastly improve cell coverage in the Chapel Hill Chatham County area. The lack of cellphone service has inconvenienced all of us in the area for long enough. If you would like to improve the quality of life for all of us in the area, I ask that you sign this petition to demonstrate your support.

Some of the comments from the petition cover genuine concerns about public safety –

– The health and safety of people in the area is compromised without good cell reception.

– My phone can’t even get enough signal to call 911!

– Better service would increase public safety.

– As more and more folks drop their landline service it becomes more important for cell phone users to be able to call for assistance in an emergency.

Well, I’m afraid it’s more important for Karen Howard to NOT have a cell phone tower in her high income neighborhood then for you to be able to call 911 in an emergency.

Those are the breaks

Pssst. Karen. Howard. Stop being so last century?

As someone posted on the petition page – “Towers are part of the 21st century. They will proliferate and be accepted as part of the landscape in the same way telephone poles took over in the last century.”

Last point –
While the number of supporters of the proposed tower greatly outnumber those who oppose it, they are still looking to hit 500 people by July 15. If you are a Chatham County resident, particularly if you live in NE Chatham please stop by and sign the petition.
VERY IMPORTANT!!!: We do NOT care how much you earn or how much your house costs. You are WELCOME to voice your opinion by signing the petition. A new cell tower in Karen Howard’s neighborhood would help cell phone users of ALL social economic srata. Let’s ALL be good neighbors.
