Pittsboro Matters supporter claims Chatham Park supporters are severely short-sighted

Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 10:21:03 -0500 (EST)
From: mphorn22
Subject: Bella Donna  Re: Chatham Chatlist #4880

Hi Donna!

I read all your green money reasons and a few lower carbon imprint reasons for your wanting Chatham Park to go in as is planned right now.

I find it puzzling that you aren’t concerned about the hundreds of thousands of trees of all sizes and ages that would be plowed down in the process.  They sequester carbon, are grown of carbon, and absorb carbon from the air WHILE THEY LIVE.  Each tree that dies emits, many times its weight and size, all its carbon into the air – thereby increasing carbon imprint many times over.

Furthermore, there would not be left enough trees to absorb the puny little amounts of carbon our cars would emit into the air.  Add onto that all the 20000-70000 new people with their cars sending carbon into the air.  And what do you have?  Thousands of times MORE carbon into the air of Pittsboro and Chatham County than we have now.

Your reasons are severely short-sighted.

You obviously did not read my post a month or so ago, regarding the value of trees.  So here it is.  Please be serious about this and read it.

Very concerned,
Maryphyllis Horn

1 Comment

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=Maryphyllis+Horn

    She must be one of the imaginary Pittsboro Matters “experts” Upside the head

    MARYPHYLLIS HORN, M.Ed., Shamanic Practitioner, is an Interfaith metaphysical minister and Certified Spiritual Hypnotherapist, Certified Past-Life Regression Therapist, Certified Thought Field Therapist, Certified Pastoral Counselor, Certified Reconnection® Practitioner, and Certified in Karmic Matrix Clearing [Matrix clearing? Will she come to my home and clean the carpets in 3 rooms for only $59.99?)

    She is the most experienced Soul retrieval therapist in the region and has written two books, “SOUL INTEGRATION, A Shamanic Path To Freedom And Wholeness” and “HEALING THIS LIFE, A Shamanic Path To Freedom And Wholeness” that include Spirit’s ancient knowledge and insights into the nature of the soul, soul loss, soul retrieval and soul integration and methods of soul healing and integration. These methods were given to her by her Spirit Helpers for healing herself and others.

    Other Services provided by Maryphyllis Horn

    Soul Retrievals return parts of your psyche (soul) that fled to Spirit due to neglect or trauma. They can’t return on their own. Soul Integrations. My unprecedented use of shamanic techniques achieves unusually fast, safe progress.releasing dysfunctional patterns and PTSD.reclaiming memories without pain.magnifying soul qualities achieving permanent improvement.
    Soul Loss Symptoms: Missing soul qualities, fears, difficulty concentrating, depression, co-dependence, psychological work without improvement, grief, fragmentation, addictions, dissociation, different after trauma, alienated from/ sleepwalking through life.

    Shamanism: Contacting Spirit Guides, Shamanic Spirit Journeying, Releasing entities and curses, remote healings, Shamanic/Celtic counseling, Ancestral work, empowerment, Breaking Cycles of Dysfunction and Lack, workshops, readings, lectures.

    Feng Shui: The Black Hat sect of Feng Shui uses transcendental cures to change the Chi and magnify its benefits. Maryphyllis also uses Shamanic methods to enhance Chi.

    Spiritual: Past-Life Regression Therapy, Future-life Progression, Spiritual Hypnotherapy, Weddings (Do you REALLY want her at your wedding? Might scare the other guests)

    From her web site at http://www.soulshaman.com/

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