Interspecies communication is amazing!

Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2011 01:16:13 -0400
From: Dr John R Dykers
Subject: turkey vulture visitors to Bonny Rooze

Interspecies communication is amazing!  Humans and dogs, cats, horses, cattle, all “domesticated” species and dolphins and whales, chimps and baboons, even elephants etc. are subject to many studies.

I have a friend in Florida who has made a pet out of a hawk that was attracted to his abandoned swimming pool. And there was the guy in Central America that nursed back to health an injured alligator and then couldn’t get him to leave and they became pals!

Oh Bonny! What will you do???  Vultures are a protected species since they clean up carrion.

How are the human neighbors taking to the stereo?

John Dykers