Freedom of speech

Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2008 17:30:45 EDT
From: Ed Williams
Subject: Freedom of speech

In Chatlist 3194, Angel Dennison, talking about a sporting event at Northwood, says “I was witness to the worst racial anti-hispanic rant I have EVER heard”. Angel, you should tell the moms who made that rant to go to an event at the Bynum General store. Morrie said (#3193) she was disturbed by a singer there, who, at the end of the evening, was singing a spitritual and suddenly turned it into a left-wing political chant. But we are told that, at Bynum, all points of view are welcomed.

Jean Vollrath says that “Intolerance of others’ viewpoints and personal expressions is frankly, dangerously un-American”. Susan Turner says that “All these progressive, informed, principled, insightful, caring citizens” are “open to all ideas.” Greg Jones says (again about the Bynum event) “the republicans have events also” — implying that this was a democrat event. Republicans (in Chatham) do not, of course, have entertainment events.

So, tell the Northwood moms to put their rant to music and go to the Bynum General Store, where I am sure they will be welcomed by all those wonderful progressive people who attend regularly.

Ed Williams
