I don’t like high vet fees and my dogs do fine

Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2008 01:05:17 -0400
From: Elliot Cramer
Subject: re Veterinary medicine vs. Human medicine

I don’t like high vet fees and my dogs do fine without lab tests, Xrays, MRI’s, high-end surgeries, etc.

Perhaps I am shortening their lives by six months, but I doubt it. I think that most people (including me) keep their pets alive beyond the point at which they have a good quality of life.  I favor euthanasia for both dogs and people.

A new book by a UNC MD suggests that annual exams for humans are not useful; why should they be useful for dogs or cats?


Reminder to  all. I have started a Chatham Animal Lovers group at http://groups.google.com/group/chatham-animals

We are currently at 73 members and growing. Please feel free to post you generic animal issue topics there.

Gene Galin
Chatlist moderator
