Missing lacrosse balls

Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 08:29:48 -0400
From: Sally Bond
Subject: lacrosse balls

Here’s a mystery for you:  A milk crate filled with 100 (fairly new) lacrosse balls slid off the back of a friend’s truck somewhere between Dorcurt Hills Road (off Hamlet Chapel, about 1 mile north of Perry Harrison school) and Lamont Norwood Road (about 2 miles east of Jones Ferry).  He has combed that stretch of road, even searching in drainage ditches, and hasn’t found a single ball.  If anyone has come across this bouncy bounty, please get in touch!  The balls are the property of the new Northeast Chatham Youth Lacrosse League (http://www.northeastlax.com/index.html).

Thanks for your help, neighbors!

Sally L. Bond
The Program Evaluation Group
