Have you voted? Has your vote counted? Has someone else voted in your name?

Have you voted? Has your vote counted? Has someone else voted in your name?

Have you voted? Has your vote counted? Has someone else voted in your name?

Have you voted? Has your vote counted? Has someone else voted in your name?

Some parts of voter records are public knowledge, such as your name, address, how you are registered, and whether you have voted (not HOW you have voted, just the fact you did vote). If you voted absentee by mail, that information may take up to a week to be updated in the public records.

You can check your voter record at this link: https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/

The Chatham County Republican Party encourages every voter to check and ensure their vote is being counted. We have had questions from voters about whether their votes have been received, and about votes cast in their name when they have not yet voted.

If you suspect a problem, contact the Chatham County Board of Elections at 919-545-8500 and discuss your concerns with the staff.

Chatham County Republican Party

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 10:13:50 -0400
From: Chatham NC GOP <>
Subject: Have you voted?